Under Rule 2R, the Minnesota State Board of Continuing Legal Education now allows an attorney to claim up to 30 hours of on-demand video CLEs as part of their 45 hour requirement each reporting period. This is a doubling of the pre-2021 limit for on-demand.
Mitchell Hamline has made available (at the time of this posting) over two dozen on-demand CLE programs that are offered free to alumni. Most of these CLEs are in the 1.0-1.5 credit range, and most are approved for standard CLE credit. However, there are a few offerings approved for ethics and elimination of bias credit. The topics covered are very diverse and there's something for everyone.
Did I mention that these are free?
Under the rules, video CLEs are available for on-demand credit for two years after approval. Therefore, each of the offerings will eventually sunset and be removed. Check MHSLs site from time-to-time, as no doubt they will be posting new CLEs as they become available.
There are also links to several free, on-demand CLEs hosted by the Health Law Institute of Mitchell Hamline (scroll down to the bottom of the page).
It is therefore possible for a MHSL/WMCL alum to satisfy most, if not all, of their 30 hour allotment of on-demand CLE credit from this one source, for no cost. Since each of the CLEs are about an hour to 90 minutes long, these are ideal to watch during your lunch break, if you have some downtime somewhere, or are just at home and want to binge-watch a bunch of them.
Of course this means that the state rules still require at least 15 other credits come from live sources, either in-person or by live video. Check Mitchell Hamline's Campus Calendar for upcoming events.
With that in mind, I will mention that Mitchell Hamline is offering an upcoming live video CLE, Flow Practice for Attorneys: The Pathway to Peak Performance and Optimal Well-Being. This CLE will be conducted Tuesday, March 14, 2023, from noon to 1:00 PM CT. Approval for 1.0 standard credit is pending. Registration is free for alumni.